Faulty or defective goods delivered; goods wrongly delivered to you or not what you ordered

If you wish to return or exchange your product, please contact us within 14 days of receiving your goods, or, in the case of faulty or defective goods, within 14 days of becoming aware of the fault or defect. We will discuss making arrangements with you to have the product exchanged or returned for a refund, provided that:

  1. It is an item sold on, not one purchased by you either directly or indirectly outside of
  2. The item(s) are returned in the same condition that they were received in with any original packaging (except in the case of goods that became faulty or defective later during the warranty period).
  3. You must provide a copy of the invoice and the delivery docket for the goods as proof of purchase.


Returns will be checked by Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ before any refund is given. Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ reserves the right to charge for return freight where a customer has simply changed their mind and may also charge a restocking fee.

Return of Full Cylinder Items

We will give credit for full-cylinder items returned within 14 days from the date of supply, as long as:

  1. We are satisfied that gas has not been withdrawn and that no contamination has occurred.
  2. Our quality procedures for that product do not require the cylinder to be emptied and refilled (this is normal practice for medical and custom-made mixtures and may also apply to some other products).
  3. It is a standard Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ stock item and not one specifically obtained for the customer.
  4. The cylinder is full. We cannot give any credit for part-full cylinders.
  5. We do not have to test the contents (quality and/or quantity) of the returned cylinders to confirm gas levels.

Returns will be checked by Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ before any credit is given.

Any other return or exchange

If you wish to return or exchange your product for any other reason (for example, because you have changed your mind) please contact us within 14 days of receiving your goods. We will discuss making arrangements with you to have the product exchanged or returned for a refund, as long as the:

  1. It is an item sold on and not one specifically made or obtained for you or purchased by you either directly or indirectly outside of
  2. The item(s) are returned in the same condition that they were received in and with any original packaging. Medical devices can only be returned if they are unused and the packaging seals are not broken.
  3. You must supply a copy of the Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ invoice and the delivery docket for the goods as proof of purchase.


Returns will be checked by Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ before any refund is given. Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ reserves the right to charge for the return freight and may also charge a restocking fee.

Products with warranty advertised / when listed

Some products carry a product-specific warranty in addition to our normal Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ exchange policy. This will be stated on the product page as advertised in the Refrigerant Gas Distributor: Refrigerant Gas Suppliers™ listing when the product is sold. If no warranty is stated on the product page when the product is listed then the normal returns, warranties, and refunds policy applies.